Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 36

So today is day 36 of bedrest and I am feeling really good today!

Yesterday marked 24weeks 2days pregnant which was a very emotional day for me because when I was pregnant with Aricelli my water broke at 24weeks 2days and I am in the exact same hospital room so it was just an eerie feeling for me. I napped a lot of the day away to just keep my mind from racing and had NO CONTRACTIONS or anything. So yay! And I am so happy that day is over :)

Today I thought we were going to be changing medication and stuff but as you may or may not know things can change daily or even by the minute around here! So doctor came in this morning and said he doesnt want to change things yet untill I have another ultrasound to measure the amniotic fluid around baby. If fluid levels are the same as last week or better then we will keep everything the same and I may be able to go home this week. If fluid levels are low (praying they are not) then we will start changing meds and I assume we will keep me here and monitor a few days and see how I do w/the change. In past times when we change my medications I do good for about 48hours then things get bad again.

Had lots of visitors today :) Chase brought the girls up for a few hours and then my dad and Melissa (soon to be sister in law) came and visited. They brought me lots of magazines and yummy candy!!! Also Chase's cousin J came and visited too...she actually has an internship here at the hospital so she is around most of the week! IT deff made my day go faster w/all the visitors. Plus I even got a 2hr nap in this morning!!

25 days untill my next milestone of 28weeks, we can do this!!!!

Lots of love,
Kierst <3

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